Getting the salt out of olives
Andy wrote:
PL wrote:
> >> I have to ask though, how long does one soak the olives? I've soaked
> >> olive and rinsed them multiple times with some positive effect, but
> >> not enough to suit me. Yes, I've had the water based kalamatas, as
> I'd add lime juice to the water. It really helps neutralize the salt
> intensity without adding any noticeable flavor.
> That bit of magic was imparted to me by someone here at rfc many years
> ago as I got into my Thai chicken satay craze. The fish sauce made it way
> too salty and the advice was to double up on the lime juice, which
> excellently did the trick!
> Lemon juice might work similarly.
Thanks, that makes sense. The olives in the arab and armenian
places were usually less salty. I believe they used lemon. I use it
at home when I get olives. I guess all these things are preseratives
of a sort, right? I use olive oil and lemon as a base for most things
I make. If lemon is a preservative, maybe I'll live longer than the
average person. But still one day I will die. Then there will be no
need to discuss food as I will know the subject firsthand as I myself
become food for things that crawl beneath the ground.