On Tue, 15 Jun 2010 03:11:17 -0500, Omelet >
>I've spoken with more than one MD that has endorsed regular consumption
>of whole eggs.
Personally, I wouldnt hold much stock ('scuse the pun!) on such things
from most MDs (at least based on what I've seen in Aus with our GPs) -
even though in this case I wholeheartedly agree
> Dr. Kennady (my first primary care MD before he retired)
>called whole eggs "a bargain in nutrition".
Indeed they are.
A nourishing, highly nutritious powerhouse, is the egg!
>They contain pretty much everything you need to live and if you don't
>pig out on them and keep the rest of your diet relatively low fat, they
>don't contribute greatly to daily fat calories.
>And they are highly versatile, fit into many recipes and actually taste
>good. They also tend to be easier to digest than other (non-powdered)
>protein sources.
>Good stuff. :-)
>We mostly consume them in omelets, scrambled eggs, poached, soft
>boiled, hard boiled (sometimes deviled) and in fritattas. Egg drop soup
>also works well.
>Other ideas?
I love to eat eggs raw, and always have for as long as I can recall.
Duck eggs, Chook eggs... they're all good raw.
Asde from that, has anyone mentioned picked eggs yet?
Until this year, I'd never tried them. Not particularly common in
Australia. So I found a good recipe and made a large jar of pickled
eggs... and I liked them. I've since made a few more batches.