The incredible edible egg
In article >,
Je?us > wrote:
> >Other ideas?
> I love to eat eggs raw, and always have for as long as I can recall.
> Duck eggs, Chook eggs... they're all good raw.
I like raw chicken and quail eggs, but not so sure about duck.
> Asde from that, has anyone mentioned picked eggs yet?
Check my Picasa albums. <g> There is a pickled egg series there.
> Until this year, I'd never tried them. Not particularly common in
> Australia. So I found a good recipe and made a large jar of pickled
> eggs... and I liked them. I've since made a few more batches.
I cheat. I purchase my favorite brand of pickles at the store, eat the
pickles and reserve the brine. Combine the brine with a little canned
beet juice and soak the hard boiled eggs in that for 1 week in the
Peace! Om
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