Weck canning jars
"George Shirley" > wrote in message
> On 6/16/2010 3:18 PM, Kathi Jones wrote:
>> "George > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 6/15/2010 8:04 PM, Kathi Jones wrote:
>>>> "George > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> Just got a catalog in the mail a little while ago that is touting the
>>>>> Weck
>>>>> canning jars as BPA-free and that you can spot spoilage quickly as
>>>>> they
>>>>> don't have the "wire-bail" of other jars. Look like one of the old
>>>>> time
>>>>> canning jars with the rubber ring and wire-bail but without the bail.
>>>>> First time I've ever seen them advertised in the US. The jars start at
>>>>> $17.99 for a case of six of the Tulip, mini jelly jars and run up to
>>>>> $23.99 for a 6 jar case of 1 liter jars. Wow! I think I'll stick with
>>>>> Ball
>>>>> Mason jars myself.
>>>>> This and outfit called Peaceful Valley Farm& Garden Supply in Grass
>>>>> Valley, CA. I've bought beneficial nematodes from them a couple of
>>>>> times
>>>>> to keep grubs under control in our garden but the latest catalog looks
>>>>> like something an extreme environmentalist back-to-the-earth type
>>>>> would
>>>>> use. They even sell chicken houses and runs on wheels so you can move
>>>>> your
>>>>> chickens around the property. Nothing is low-priced either.
>>>>> All I can say is Wow!
>>>>> No canning or preserving here today except Miz Anne is drying some
>>>>> curly
>>>>> parsley on a tea towel in the kitchen. I had to throw out some you
>>>>> dried
>>>>> last year as it turned completely brown.
>>>>> Tomorrow the very expensive plumbers come to replace the sewer line
>>>>> from
>>>>> the house to the city line at the street. We've a very large hole
>>>>> appearing in our yard and they will fill that up when they're done. I
>>>>> guess we will plant a flower bed over that area when they're done, the
>>>>> flowers should grow well.<G>
>>>> ya, that is pricey! I can get pretty, non-functional stuff like that
>>>> at
>>>> the
>>>> Dollarama. Looks nice, but would never can in it. I too, will stick
>>>> to
>>>> Bernardin, (Ball) and Golden Harvest jars with the 2 pc lid ...
>>>> I'm looking over some pretty tomato flowers...and hoping for a few to
>>>> eat
>>>> fresh....that is if the local wild turkeys dont pick them off the vine
>>>> first... (like last year)
>>>> Kathi, hmmm...thinking perhaps wild turkey hunting is in the
>>>> forecast....!
>>>> LOL
>>> How about wild turkey,stuffed with squirrel, stuffed with a grackle. The
>>> last two being the bane of our garden along with the !@#$% Southern
>>> Cardinal, aka Redbird. The redbirds peck a hole in the tomatoes, eat a
>>> few
>>> seeds then go away. I'm trying to coerce the blue jays into attacking
>>> the
>>> redbirds, would make a heckuva color wheel.
>> ok, I know what turducken is - what would you call that? tursquirkle?
>> LOL
>> actually, my biggest issue with wildlife so far this season is black
>> bears
>> feeding at the birdfeeders. I love to watch my birds - purple finches,
>> rose
>> breasted grosbeaks etc, but when the bears show up? I have to sacrifice
>> the
>> bird watching for safety!! Had a 250 lb bear here a couple weeks back -
>> totally destroyed a feeder and was going for a second before I decided to
>> try banging on the window to scare him off. It worked...but I'm on the
>> market for a 'blow horn' or whateveryoucallit...
>> Kathi
> Look for an air horn, it's a loud little horn on top of a can of
> compressed air. Don't use it too much though or Br'er Bear will get used
> to the noise. Bear is one our tribal totem animals so I just avoid them
> when possible. Luckily there are hardly any along this coast, a stranger
> will wander in every once in awhile. The black bear population in this
> part of the south is increasing due to the amount of prey animals and
> routine bear fare increasing.
that's it - air horn - really loud.
When I smacked on the window to scare him away from the 2nd feeder, he (she?
I dunno) kinda thought about it before running away....
I don't want to hurt them if I dont have to, but lazing about in my front
yard is a bit too close for comfort!