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ImStillMags ImStillMags is offline
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Default Anthony Bourdain's "Medium Raw" grilling of celebrity chefs

On Jun 17, 9:31*am, Dave U. Random <anonym...@anonymitaet-im-> wrote:
> ( - Ten years ago, Anthony Bourdain was standing next to a
> deep fryer 14 to 16 hours a day, and that was the world he thought
> he'd be in for the rest of his life. Then, his book "Kitchen
> Confidential" came out, and his life changed almost overnight...
> The past 10 years of eating and drinking and traveling have
> provided plenty of fodder for Bourdain's new book, "Medium Raw - A
> Bloody Valentine to the World of Food and the People Who Cook"
> (Amazon: In it, he details a very
> different food world from the one he saw from the deep fryer in
> which celebrity chefs inspire cultlike followings, and nothing
> not even the classic American hamburger is sacred...
> Continued:

We can thank, or villify, Bourdain for taking the 'back of the house'
out of the closet and bringing it into the light of day.
People had no idea what really went on in restaurant kitchens till his
book came out.
Whether the revelations were a good or a bad thing depends on which
side of the kitchen doors you are on.

I do like the man though. He's grown on me over the years.