In article <1UUpb.76742$mZ5.490092@attbi_s54>, "Rick & Cyndi"
> wrote:
> : Contact her for the details. I'm innocent.
> : --
> : -Barb
> =======
> You? Innocent? <snort>
Well, yeah. I'm just a poor Midwest farm girl. Raised in a single
parent household. (I was about 35 before I realized I could use that as
an excuse for my quirks and foibles.)
> Ahem, just because the drinking test likened you to Sister/Mother
> Theresa does *NOT* make you innocent Barb!
Are you sure about that? My mom wouldn't let me be a trollop.
-Barb ( updated 10-16-03; check the PickleHats tab, too.)