On Sun, 06 Jun 2010 02:07:17 -0500, Omelet >
>In article >,
> Jeßus > wrote:
>> >I personally do not care for chick peas. Rice flour and tapioca starch
>> >do not seem to hurt me as badly as wheat flour.
>> Wheat is usually the nastiest of the grains in that regard.
>> I (and the g/f for that matter) needs to be properly tested for
>> intolerances - I know for sure wheat affects the g/f and myself, and
>> I'm suspicious about rice as well.
>> Hence why we use a lot of Besan flour. I reckon we've tried almost
>> every possible grain or flour alternative out there - sadly none of
>> them come close to wheat when it comes to versalitilty, texture, etc.
>> But the research continues...
>> The g/f definitely reacts to rice and any 'conventional' dairy, i.e;
>> dairy with the A1 proteins. Poor thing...
>> Luckily we can source fresh A2 milk locally for the time being. I'm in
>> the process of improving my pasture this year in anticipation of
>> getting a Dexter cow within 12 months. They're about half the size of
>> a 'normal' cow, and a lot easier to manage. They also produce A2 milk,
>> which is the main incentive to get one.
>Do try tapioca. It's rather nice...
I have, the g/f loves the stuff
I'm a little ambivalent myself... I can eat it no problem, but it
doesn't exactly excite me either.
>A2 milk? I'm going to have to look at that. I tend to avoid dairy for
>the most part except for cheese on occasion as I love it so.
I seem to be very fortunate, no diary intolerances that I know
about... which is a good thing, considering how much dairy I consume
>Ever considered goats?
I have two miniatures already
But yeah... I have considered getting a goat for diary. And I /do/
like goat milk very much - but NOT in my coffee, for example. And
anything compromising my coffee is NOT negotiable!
Admittedly, goats milk can vary quite a bit in taste. With some it's
quite neutral in flavour, in others it's really goaty! Even so, I have
thought aboutl getting a diary goat to practise on until I'm ready to
have a Dexter cow here - once the pasture has been improved.