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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Easy Blueberry Cobbler

In article >,
Jeßus > wrote:

> >Do try tapioca. It's rather nice...

> I have, the g/f loves the stuff
> I'm a little ambivalent myself... I can eat it no problem, but it
> doesn't exactly excite me either.
> >A2 milk? I'm going to have to look at that. I tend to avoid dairy for
> >the most part except for cheese on occasion as I love it so.

> I seem to be very fortunate, no diary intolerances that I know
> about... which is a good thing, considering how much dairy I consume
> daily.

I have no dairy intolerance. It seems to interfere with weight control.
> >Ever considered goats?

> I have two miniatures already
> But yeah... I have considered getting a goat for diary. And I /do/
> like goat milk very much - but NOT in my coffee, for example. And
> anything compromising my coffee is NOT negotiable!

Consider the breed of goat. It makes a difference in the milk flavor.
Avoid Toggenburgs as the milk is strongest in flavor. Saanen is milder
and they produce a lot due to their size. It's good for goat cheese.
Nubians have the highest butterfat content, but LaMancha (earless) goats
are supposed to have the sweetest milk.

I used to raise goats. Saanan and Nubian.

> Admittedly, goats milk can vary quite a bit in taste. With some it's
> quite neutral in flavour, in others it's really goaty! Even so, I have
> thought aboutl getting a diary goat to practise on until I'm ready to
> have a Dexter cow here - once the pasture has been improved.

See above... but a Dexter is not a bad idea either. I've never tried
their milk tho'.
Peace! Om

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*Only Irish *coffee provides in a single glass all four *essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar *and fat. --Alex Levine