Sky wrote on Mon, 21 Jun 2010 15:16:17 -0500:
> ChattyCathy wrote:
>> On Mon, 21 Jun 2010 11:09:04 -0700, Dimitri wrote:
> >> "ChattyCathy" > wrote in message
> >> news:AmNTn.15775$aS3.10263@hurricane...
> >>>
> >>
> >> Barcodes allow for better management of inventory as well
> >> as a decrease in errors. This either increases profits or
> >> lowers prices or both.
> >>
> >> Most shelf identifiers (barcodes) include not only the
> >> price of the item but also a cost per unit. If one is the
> >> shopper in the family id behooves them to pay attention to
> >> the price of the items they use.
>> Behooves. Haven't heard that term in years <lol>. However, I
>> think it's one of those "It was a good idea at the time"
>> things. "They" i.e. the barcode boffins didn't take into
>> account a) garbage in, garbage out - e.g. I took a tin of
>> tomatoes to the check-out the other day that allegedly cost
>> 50 bucks instead of 50 cents - had to raise hell about it
>> before a 'supervisor' was called to sort it out; b) how
>> 'inventive' the staff could be in making the system work to
>> their advantage e.g. cases of purposely 'fixing' the system
>> to reflect the wrong pricing on certain items - and last but
>> not least... c) shoppers with less than optimal eyesight who
>> find it difficult to read the shelf tags - if they are
>> actually even *there*.
> Schnucks, a regional grocery store chain, has a policy that if
> the price for the scanned item doesn't match the shelf tag,
> then the customer gets the item for free. This probably helps
> to keep errors to a minimum, hopefully. I've sometimes come
> away with free stuff due to this policy
But do you really remember what it said on the shelf unless the
difference is gross?
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: