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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default (2010-06-21) NS-RFC: Barcode pricing on food. Do you think that...

Sky > wrote:

>James Silverton wrote:

>> Sky wrote on Mon, 21 Jun 2010 15:16:17 -0500:

>>> Schnucks, a regional grocery store chain, has a policy that if
>>> the price for the scanned item doesn't match the shelf tag,
>>> then the customer gets the item for free. This probably helps
>>> to keep errors to a minimum, hopefully. I've sometimes come
>>> away with free stuff due to this policy

>> But do you really remember what it said on the shelf unless the
>> difference is gross?

>Yes, I do tend to remember numbers and prices fairly well when grocery

Me too. What typically happens to me is I remember a price on
a shelf tag, but it doesn't actually apply to the item I
am purchasing for some reason (in a subset of these cases,
I could have detected this had I looked more closely at the tag).

So normally, if something rings up wrong, I go back to
the shelf to check it out more carefully before whining
about it. :-)
