Memories of Woolworths lunch counter.
On Jun 22, 2:43*pm, spamtrap1888 > wrote:
> On Jun 21, 7:56*pm, Christine Dabney > wrote:
> > However, I will go inside. *I want to check out the lunch counter. *I
> > have fond memories of eating at a Woolworths lunch counter. *And
> > judging from the responses I have gotten to my FB posting, others have
> > fond memories too. *
> > Anyone else have memories, even fond memories?
> I remember kids sitting at the counter, shooting drinking straw
> wrappers at each other. After the straw makers got smart and started
> putting holes in the end of the wrappers, the kids would have to twist
> the ends of the wrappers to be able to shoot them.
> I think Woolworth's was where I had a frozen cherry Coke.
> The thing I associate most with Woolworth's was the cheeping birds
> they had for sale. Each Woolworth's sold pets.
Don't forget the 49 cent Flame-glo lipsticks which lived under glass.
A clerk had to extract and show each one.
Mine also had goldfish, plus a FREE 45 player in the record section.
I can recall they had to take it away after some kid played "Stranded
in the Jungle" and "Maybelline" a few dozen times.
(Now, who sang THOSE, all you trivia experts?)