George Foreman grill question
On 6/22/2010 6:18 PM, Omelet wrote:
> In >,
> > wrote:
>>> I've been looking at "smart cars". I've talked to a few owners and they
>>> are quite happy with them!
>>> They are tiny, but well built with a racing-type crash cage built into
>>> the body:
>>> <>
>>> Survivable, if you wear your seatbelt and don't disable the air bag.<g>
>>> Prices on them are very affordable too.
>> Two friends have them. The interesting part is how roomy they are. I
>> have driven one of them frequently. You get some interesting reactions
>> when you invite people to sit in it after they walk over and announce
>> "it is so small". One was a guy who had to be 6'5" and way over 200 lbs.
>> I pulled into a parking space and he struck up a conversation after he
>> got out of a mammoth SUV and declared he needed the huge truck because
>> he couldn't fit in anything else. He couldn't believe it when he sat in
>> the drivers seat.
>> One of my friends who has one has a neighbor with a prosthetic leg. He
>> also has a truck because he says he has difficulty getting in/out of
>> cars. He couldn't believe it after my friend invited him to try the
>> Smartcar.
> How cool is that? They looked pretty roomy to me when I looked into the
> front area.
>> Also we live in a area where we get heavy snow. The engine is rear
>> mounted and they perform really well in snow. Really debunks the idea
>> the idea that you have to have a fluffed up 4WD truck.
> Smart engineering. I'm guessing the weight of the engine helps with
> ballast. Rear wheel drive I presume? I'd like to see them come in 4
> wheel.
Don't need it. After you drive one in snow you can see why.
Actually they drive a lot like the old VW Beetles in snow. And since
they have a liquid cooled engine you get great defrosting and heating
unlike the Beetle.
>> Why is disappointing is all of the advertising lately from Government
>> Motors on why we need to buy fluffed up trucks.
> That's to sell all those that have been made!
But unfortunately some are new models.
> And not hurt oil stocks...