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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default My morning fruit smoothie and coconut oil

John Kuthe wrote:
> On Jun 22, 7:26 pm, Food Snob® > wrote:
>> On Jun 20, 6:37 pm, John Kuthe > wrote:
>>> On Jun 20, 5:47 pm, Food Snob® > wrote:
>>>> On Jun 20, 4:54 pm, ImStillMags > wrote:
>>>>> On Jun 20, 2:48 pm, Food Snob® > wrote:
>>>>>> On Jun 20, 12:48 pm, ImStillMags > wrote:
>>>>>>> I do a fruit and yogurt smoothie in the morning. I usually have it
>>>>>>> with a piece or two of Ezekiel sprouted raisin bread toast.
>>>>>>> After doing some research on the health and nutritional advantages of
>>>>>>> coconut oil, I've started adding a tablespoon of organic extra virgin
>>>>>>> coconut oil to my morning smoothie.
>>>>>>> The extra virgin coconut oil retains most of the coconut flavor.
>>>>>>> I've really been liking the
>>>>>>> addition of coconut flavor to the smoothie.
>>>>>>> Here's what I typically make each morning:
>>>>>>> 1/4 cup whey or hemp protein powder (better for you
>>>>>>> than soy)
>>>>>>> 1/3 cup fresh or frozen cranberries
>>>>>>> 1/3 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
>>>>>>> 4 or 5 medium fresh or frozen strawberries (I buy organic
>>>>>>> fresh when available)
>>>>>>> 1 small banana
>>>>>>> 1/3 cup fresh pineapple chunks
>>>>>>> 1/3 cup yogurt -- plain, no sweeteners
>>>>>>> 1 packet Stevia or Xylotol sweetener ( if you like
>>>>>>> your smoothie sweeter)
>>>>>>> 1/2 cup orange juice, not from concentrate
>>>>>>> 1/2 cup water
>>>>>>> 1 tblsp organic extra virgin coconut oil
>>>>>>> 1 tblsp fresh ground flax seeds
>>>>>>> I grind flax seeds, enough for the week, and keep them in the fridge
>>>>>>> in a tightly covered container. I also freeze peeled bananas
>>>>>>> individually in plastic sandwich baggies when I buy a big bunch. The
>>>>>>> frozen bananas help make the smoothie cold.
>>>>>>> This recipe makes one of those Texas Tea sized glasses full.
>>>>>> Healthy, low in carbs, except for the pineapple and banana, and while
>>>>>> I'd rather shoot the flax seed stuff down, and chase it with the
>>>>>> smoothie.
>>>>>> If you enjoy the taste of stevia, more power to you. I can't stand
>>>>>> it. Also, I'd prefer erythritol over xylitol, but would prefer
>>>>>> sucralose (Splenda) over either. Still too high in carb and too low
>>>>>> in fat for quick weight loss, but if it's part of your way of eating,
>>>>>> and you're not trying to lose more, that's a very healthy, balanced,
>>>>>> smoothie.
>>>>>> --Bryan
>>>>> The only stevia I've found that doesn't have that licorice taste is
>>>>> made by the same people who make
>>>>> Sugar In The Raw. It's called, coincidentally, Stevia In The Raw.
>>>> I'd have to taste it to believe it.
>>>>> I usually use xylotol for it's benefits rather
>>>>> than stevia. I don't necessarily need the smoothie sweeter.
>>>> Please explain the "benefits" of xylitol over erythritol. My nephew
>>>> is a big fan of erythritol, and while I tolerate all the sugar
>>>> alcohols, I am not fond of the chill effect, though I figure that
>>>> could be something one could learn to like, like the way I got used to
>>>> aspartame soda pop, and now sugar soda tastes just wrong. I've used
>>>> both erythritol and xylitol, and like erythritol better, but since I
>>>> fell off the low carb wagon, I haven't used either, and have been
>>>> eating (nutritionally) like a *normal* American, albeit avoiding
>>>> hydrogenated fats. I've gotten my alcohol consumption down to very
>>>> low levels, but have been sloppy with carbs instead. I heard Kessler
>>>> on the radio this morning (BBC), and I know all that stuff anyway, but
>>>> I really need to rewire my brain as far as eating goes, and the
>>>> biggest part of that is battling carb addiction.
>>>> --Bryan
>>> Bryan, you have weird fabby ideas about nutrition. The UDSA has some
>>> VERY good information on suggested balanced nutrition plans. A group
>>> of my fellow nursing students just gave a presentation to some girls
>>> at Girls, Inc. on diet, nutrition and exercise and the health benefits
>>> and risks.
>>> He

>> Kessler was the guy who was there at the time that the STUPID as ****
>> pyramid was put into place, and has now realized its failings.

> An impeccable researched based rebuttal. NOT! ;-)
>>> The USDA just released their 2010 report.
>>> Why do you think you can reinvent the wheel and out-think some of the
>>> greatest medical, health, nutrition and exercise scientists in the
>>> country?

>> Because they are so decades behind (small "c") conservative. It is
>> still legal to sell ****ing hydrogenated shortening in the USA.

> Making anything non-DRUG related illegal is very very difficult,
> especially if it's profitable and enjoys major corporate sponsorship,
> even if there's mounds of evidence that its bad for you. Look at
> tobacco for one, and talking on a cellphone while driving, etc. (Of
> course when fake marijuana comes out like that K2 stuff, they make
> that illegal as fast as you can blink an eye.)
> Legal or illegal never was, isn't and never will be a good gauge to
> judge much by.
>>> What YOU need to do is eat more fresh fruits and VEGETABLES,
>>> back off the protein (yeah, steaks are yummy but...)

>> And you can go **** yourself. People's protein requirements vary
>> widely. There's no question that more green veggies are good for
>> everyone, and that I eat less of those than is optimal, but no one
>> achieves health perfection, and those who get close to it are often
>> giving up pleasures/taking on displeasures that make quantity of life
>> less desirable.

> "People's protein requirements vary widely"? You are not growing
> anymore, have no major injuries or surgeries healing, etc. So your
> protein requirements are merely maintenance, as are mine. And why not
> get some or a majority of those protein requirements from non-MEAT
> sources, except for you (and my) love eating dead animal flesh? I eat
> beans and rice every morning (with a modicum of ham and bacon, I'm
> guilty as sin too!)
> What does your blood pressure run? Mine's about 120/80, which is
> actually classified now as borderline pre-hypertensive. I have a
> sphygmomanometer and stethoscope, if you ever want to know.
>>> and get at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week.

>> I get shitloads of exercise at work, then playing sports with Johnny.

> More than I'm getting lately, even with riding my bicycle to and from
> school, which isn't really that much exercise. I liked riding 3 laps
> around Forest Park 3 to 5 days a week like I was before I got into
> this accelerated BSN program. I dropped 20 lbs too! Gained 'em all
> back now though. :-(
>>> And stop eating so darned MUCH!

>> Gee, aren't you the buzzkill.

> I eat too much too. But I admit it!
>>> The girls at Girls,Inc. were amazed by the USDA's portion
>>> size recommendations, and I think you will be too! You don't need a lb
>>> + of steak a day. Far from it!

>> I understand the appeal of anything called "Girls" anything, but
>> seriously...

>>> And carbs are NOT the enemy!

>> You've never been a fatty.

> I kinda am right now, at least more than I should be.
> John Kuthe...

It's all of those yummy chocolate-covered candies. I'd be happy
to rid you of some.

Jean B.