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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Default On-Topic (Cookbooks, Kitchenware)-slightly morbid

Christine wrote:

> I am in orientation all this week..and today we had several speakers.
> One was a chaplain, who asked us if we had Living Trusts and wills.
> This got me thinking...and thinking about my kitchenware and
> cookbooks, among other things. The slightly morbid part is wondering
> how to give those to people that enjoy food and cooking, and to whom
> they should go to, after I am gone.
> I put this question to the cookbook collectors first of all.. Are you
> planning to leave your cookbooks to family? Or do something else with
> them?
> For me, (not that I plan to kick off anytime soon) I am wondering who
> I would give all my stuff to. I have no family that would want them.
> Occasionally, I know we have joked here and in chat, that various
> folks here might want the stuff...but that was probably just joking.
> I suppose I could leave the cookbooks to some used bookstore, or to a
> library, but I would prefer to leave them to someone that would get
> immense pleasure from them... Same with the kitchenwa I suppose I
> could leave all that to some worthy recipient, but who?
> I have idly thought about this over the years, but only today did I
> think about it more seriously. I realized I should probably designate
> some beneficiary someday...and should probably have a will written
> up...
> My mother, when she died, left everything to me and my 3 sisters. She
> designated some things to be given to each of us...and my middle
> sister and I split the good china, and I took the silverware.
> Anyway, I am putting this out to you see if you have ideas.
> Mind you, I want to live as long as I can...hopefully into my mid 80s
> or longer... The people that I know would love these things, either
> have a ton of cookbooks themselves, or are about my age...and it
> probably wouldn't do them much good for me to leave them this stuff.
> As I said, slightly morbid, I know.

I think your cookbooks and cookware should be auctioned off to RFC members,
with the proceeds going toward the Christine Dabney Memorial Delilah Fund (a
fund dedicated to providing delilahs to the members of the cabal until the
money runs out).

As for me, I'm leaving everything to Lin. That was easy.
