My dark place alone
On Jun 24, 12:23*am, jpstifel > wrote:
> Joe wrote:
> *> GO!
> *>
> *> Sick, am I sick?
> A person who does not realize how sick they are is sicker than those who
> know just how sick they are. *Individualy and as a species.
> Is axiomatic psychologicaly, were all scared little monkeys or big great
> apes, the little monkeys work out their fears with timidity and
> oppertunism, the big great apes among us with raw brute force,
> territoriality, might makes right, but both act out of the very fear
> that motivates them. *Fear breeds anger, anger breeds hositlity,
> hositlity breeds hate, hate breeds violence, and violence is the
> ultimate defence of itself.
Dude, you need Spell Check, or lessons.