On-Topic (Cookbooks, Kitchenware)-slightly morbid
Krypsis wrote:
> I'm going to die intestate and let the buggers fight over my leavings!
The state will require one of the buggers to be appointed administrator
of the estate (and probably make them post a bond which will be paid for
by your estate). The state will then oversee who gets what, sometimes
requiring appraisals and accountings.
The best thing to do is to put all of your bank and investment accounts
(and real estate if you have any) in joint names with the people you
want to get it when you die. The personal property can be bequeathed by
an informal letter left with someone you trust.
This is how I handled my mom's estate. She had no real estate or
automobiles where transfer of title is a government thing. We put her
other accounts in joint names so that I would have enough money to pay
for her funeral and last debts, etc. without my sister and her criminal
husband getting their hands on it.
As for personal property, she left a sealed letter in a place that only
I would know about and I collected the items (mostly jewelry) and opened
the envelope with everyone present. The letter was dated, written in her
own hand and signed. No one dared contest it.
Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.