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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default Heartburn-friendly meal ideas at home and at restaurants?

Thomas wrote:
> I have had GERD now for 20 years. I take a pretty stong rx and it
> helps a lot. If I forget it, I am in agony.
> Now, don't think I am nuts with this off-the-wall suggestion for a
> total change...
> Try hot buffalo wings made with Durkee red hot sauce. The cayenne
> pepper acts as an anesthetic.
> I used to go to my Dr and tell him iced tea and spaghetti would kill
> me but hot wings did nothing.

I'm wheat intolerant. Reflux is one of the many symptoms I get if I eat
a portion of wheat bigger than a little to thicken gravy. Another
suspect could be the tomatoes if you have a sauce with that saghetti -
Tomatoes are nightshade family and some folks have the same sort of
intolerance to them that I have to wheat.

Another possiblity is the type mixing. Mix a starchy or sugary food
with a protein and/or fat food and the stomach is presented with a type
that reacts poorly to acid and a type that needs acid to digest.
Spaghetti with cream sauce and/or meat mixes starch and protein. A
burger fries and milkshake mixes all types. It's a recipe for
indigestion until it all makes it out of the stomach into the intestine.

The buffalo wings won't have enough hot sauce to effect the chemisty
much and so no acid clash. Note that peppers are in the night shade
family as well as tomatoes. Not sure if that is evidence that you have
no intolerance issue with tomatoes.