I fought the law and I won - Update
Doug Freyburger wrote:
> Goomba wrote:
>> blake murphy wrote:
>>> sf wrote:
>>>> Understand this. Any time a cop is hit, it's *not* an accident.
>>> um, what?
>> <shrug> who knows what she was trying to say?
> Maybe it's like firearms - Since the invention of the brass cartridge
> there's no such thing as an accidental discharge. Guns don't go off by
> accident. They do go off by negligence. Not the same thing.
> Lightning strikes by random accident. If there were flashing lights and
> a car pulled over the wreck was at best by negligence.
> It depends on how you define accident. To include negligence or not.
Accidents are generally the result of negligence. I previously about
being in an accident in the first new car just a few weeks after I
bought it. I saw the other car approaching at high speed as it entered a
curve on a wet, leaf covered road and I knew he was going to wipe out,
so I immediately pulled over an stopped. Sure enough, he did lose
control and slide a long way. He slid further than I had expected
because he slid far enough to wrap his car around the front of my new
car. IMO, it as an accident on my part. As the cop said, I just
happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was negligence
on the part of the other driver, driving so fast that even I knew he was
about to lose it.
BTW.... the term motor vehicle "accident" seems to have fallen out of
favour and it is more common to hear t being referred to as a crash.