On-Topic (Cookbooks, Kitchenware)-slightly morbid
brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Jun 2010 13:41:09 -0500, Janet Wilder
> > wrote:
>> Krypsis wrote:
>>> I'm going to die intestate and let the buggers fight over my
>>> leavings!
>> The best thing to do is to put all of your bank and investment
>> accounts (and real estate if you have any) in joint names with the
>> people you want to get it when you die.
> That's ridiculous. Every bank/investment account I've ever opened
> *required* me to name a beneficiary... but to haphazardly make ones
> accounts joint doesn't get more stupid... that means it's one of two
> ways; "and"/"either or"... "and" you're held hostage/"either or" one
> day you will wake up broke, gar-run-teed. With real estate one can
> place another name on the deed with ROS but it's much better to list
> real estate in ones will just in case one changes their mind... once a
> deed contains more than one name it cannot be changed except by
> agreement... a will can always be amended but just try getting someone
> to agree to remove their name from a deed. Ahahahahahahahahaha. . . .
And there can be unpleasant tax consequences down the road by
adding someone to the deed, should the survivor decide to sell.