"Dimitri" > wrote in message
> While here in Cambria my wine racks were buried under a staircase down a
> flight of stairs. I forgot about my wines. I now have 6 more bottles of 22
> buck Chuck.
> That's 2 buck Chuck (Charles Shaw from Trader Joe's) Cabernet that is 11
> years old. DELICIOUS!
> Have you ever accidentally aged some red's ?
> Dimitri
Hi Dimitri
Funny, but I often have accidentally aged whites. I go in assuming reds,
especially cabs, cab francs, Cahors, Madiran wines must be aged.
But I guess two buck chuck is "engineered" to be bought at 2PM and served at
7PM. Nothing wrong with that. But the very nature of tannins in reds will
allow for aging. Glad you were rewarded for your "patience."