On Jun 24, 3:42*pm, sf > wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Jun 2010 15:06:51 -0400, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
> > sf wrote:
> > > I just discovered by accident that if you're saving a Word document
> > > (recipe), hit F12 and the last folder you saved to comes up instantly..
> > > I didn't know!
> > That's good to know.
> I usually save a .doc via "save as", *but hit F12 by accident and my
> recipe file flew open. *I checked it out and by golly you can skip
> "save as". *You have to navigate the tree on your first save though.
> > Mine always end up in the Documents folder and then I have to
> > sort through all the other stuff in there.
> You save them in My Documents? *Do you know how to create a folder
> with subfolders? *If you don't want to plop it onto your C drive, you
> can put it on your desktop. *I can help you with that the next time I
> see you in chat, here or by email, if you'd like to know how.
My husband teaches an intro to computers class at the local continuing
education program. It's a two night course for beginner computer
users. Students fill out a simple evaluation at the end where they are
given the opportunity to say how they liked or didn't like the course.
One of his first students wrote that the best/coolest thing she
learned was how to make folders.
-Chicken wings tonight. Not sure yet how I will make them. Usually I
marinate them in a combination of Frank's hot sauce, Italian dressing
and touch of soy and bake them until they nearly burnt. It's the way
my son likes them.
If it's not too hot, I might fry them instead and use this recipe
which I have tried once before and really liked. The wings are fried
then glazed.