On-Topic (Cookbooks, Kitchenware)-slightly morbid
On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 01:55:47 +1000, Krypsis wrote:
> On 24/06/2010 1:08 PM, Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>> I think your cookbooks and cookware should be auctioned off to RFC members,
>> with the proceeds going toward the Christine Dabney Memorial Delilah Fund (a
>> fund dedicated to providing delilahs to the members of the cabal until the
>> money runs out).
>> As for me, I'm leaving everything to Lin. That was easy.
>> Bob
> I'm going to die intestate and let the buggers fight over my leavings!
> Krypsis
in my case, that would take all of ten minutes.
i do have a ton of audio c.d.'s and l.p.'s though, and i've idly thought
about who should get them. i'd prefer someone who would dig them.
your pal,