Thread: cooking related
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Cindy Hamilton[_2_] Cindy Hamilton[_2_] is offline
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Default cooking related

On Jun 25, 3:06*pm, sf > wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 12:17:41 -0500, Janet Wilder
> > wrote:
> > Dave Smith wrote:
> > > sf wrote:
> > >> I just discovered by accident that if you're saving a Word document
> > >> (recipe), hit F12 and the last folder you saved to comes up instantly.

> > >> I didn't know!

> > > That's good to know. Mine always end up in the Documents folder and then
> > > I have to sort through all the other stuff in there.

> > One of the reasons I don't like Word

> Good grief. *Both of you sound like rank armatures.

I don't like Word, either. I prefer vi.

Cindy Hamilton