Memories of Woolworths lunch counter.
On Jun 23, 3:59*pm, Pennyaline > wrote:
> On 6/22/2010 12:43, spamtrap1888 wrote:
> > I remember kids sitting at the counter, shooting drinking straw
> > wrappers at each other...
> When both the straws and their wrappers were made of paper?
> <and individual servings of milk came in glass bottles with cardboard
> stoppers, and we had to get the teacher to open our milk for us because
> we only had stumpy little kid fingers but she had fingernails!!... I am
> so old>
I still have a box of paper straws. Utterly useless, don't know how
we used them when we were kids, but maybe that's why I still have the
maxine in ri