Doug Freyburger wrote:
> Your story says you don't like either beer or wine. No matter you
> aren't interested in differences in quality.
> I'm fussy about beer and I only want the good stuff. For wine I can
> tell the difference in quality but I'm not fussy about it so I don't
> much care. I've had $3 wines and $300 dollar wines. I can tell the
> difference. I free the performance curve is worse than logrythmic. I
> don't know if that means I don't appreciate good wines or not.
I enjoy good beers and I am with you there. Better to have one really
good beer than a lot of the crappy brand names. When it comes to wines,
I appreciate the better wines. I don't bother with cheap plonk, though
there are some decent cheap slurping wines, few and far between, but
there are some. I appreciate that there are some characteristics to the
really expensive wines, but my palate is not developed enough to justify
huge prices.
> For beers I'm happy to pay the much higher price for the very best, but
> it's rare to find a bottle of beer/ale for over $20. Drinking only one
> every week or so that sort of price on a beer doesn't bother me.
> Drinking only a bottle of wine or two a year the $300 price range is
> extreme enough for me tha tit has been a few decades since I've sprung
> for the best.
My brothers are beer drinkers, preferring quantity over quality. The
tease me about drinking yuppie beers. They spend a lot more on beer than
I do.