TODAY is Barb Schaller's Birthday
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> "Dan Goodman" > wrote:
> > Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
> >
> > > Happy Birthday to an inspiration, a legend and an all around good
> > > egg. Love ya, toots! -ginny
> > > that and she's 'well-preserved' too (ducks and runs from jelly jar
> > > thrown in her directions).
> >
> > Happy birthday!
> Thanks, Dan. You know, I always liked your old sig line -- I think
> it went something like, "Whatever you wish for me, I wish you double."
"Whatever you wish for me, I wish you twice as much."
Supposed to be a Kurdish greeting; appropriate when you don't know
whether you're talking to a friend or an enemy.
> OB Food: 15 pounds of strawberries await me and my berry huller.
> The last of the picking at the berry patch.
Dan Goodman
"I have always depended on the kindness of stranglers."
Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Expire
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