HELP please: grilled lamb kebabs
On 25-Jun-2010, "Pete C." > wrote:
> Sqwertz wrote:
> >
> > On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 16:21:53 -0700, Zz Yzx wrote:
> >
> > > I've been asked to grill kebabs for a B-day bash tomorrow. I've got a
> > > boneless leg of lamb, and I'm looking for a tried-and-true recipe,
> > > marinade, rub, &tc., and any guidance this fine group of people can
> > > offer.
> >
> > I know this is going to be no help, but I've never had much luck
> > with kabobs unless I use tenderloin. The veggies burn before the
> > meat is cooked. I do pure meat skewers instead. Do the veggies
> > in a grill basket or on thier own skewers.
> >
> Second this, the mixed ingredients in a single kebab is an American
> thing that looks nice, but isn't very practical unless you cheat and
> precook some of the components to equalize the cooking times. One per
> skewer, cooked the proper length of time and then de-skewered and served
> on a platter is the way to do it.
I'm going to third that. You can have burnt meat or raw veggies. Take your
pick. Separate sticks for each item is the only way to go to get everything
cooked right.
Brick said that