I fought the law and I won - Update
On 6/25/2010 8:11 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> Sky wrote:
>> Recently, I read something very interesting about a topic called "the
>> moth effect", but I forget where so I can't cite the relevant article.
>> IIRC, "the moth effect" means that somehow some folks (drivers) are
>> drawn to disasters like moths are to natural and (especially) artificial
>> lights at night. The effect was likened to 'rubber-necking' and how a
>> motor vehicle driver may unintentionally allow their vehicle to drift
>> away from the lane when looking at and paying attention to roadside
>> distractions. Who hasn't BTDT to some degree, thankfully without any
>> mishap!!?????
> We were advised about that moth effect when trained about the use of our
> flashing red lights at the side of the road. It seems that they attract
> drunks. They can't help but stare at the lights and then end up driving
> into what they are looking at.
If you take the MSF course you should learn that a motorcycle tends to
go where you're looking. If you don't want to crash into the back of a
police cruiser don't stare at the pretty lights.
The same seems to be true of cars.