Thread: Garlic scapes
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ImStillMags ImStillMags is offline
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Default Garlic scapes

On Jun 26, 9:59*am, Melba's Jammin' >
> I have a vague recollection of seeing something about scapes here
> recently. *Sorry to have missed it if there was a thread. *
> I bought a bunch of scapes at the farmers market this morning and am not
> sure how to best use them. *How much do I use? *The bulby part at the
> top of the scape? *Just the green part?
> I'll do the stir-fry with sirloin, slightly frozen, thinly sliced, and
> marinated in a little something. *I also have snow peapods for this
> adventure. *
> IMWTK, sooner rather than later, if you're of a mind to help.
> TIA.
> --
> Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
> On June 25, celebrating 65 years of joy and wonder. *I got the joy
> while everyone else wondered. * *
> Shop early and shop often. *Good gin and cheap chocolate preferred. *
> Or cash. *:-)