On 6/26/2010 12:09 PM, sf wrote:
> On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 08:25:53 -0700, Dan > wrote:
>> In >,
>> > wrote:
>>> On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 20:23:08 -0400, "J. Clarke"
>>> > wrote:
>>>> On 6/25/2010 2:20 PM, sf wrote:
>>>>> Maybe some other resident of my city has better information, but
>>>>> as far as I know we don't have stations that sell hydrogen or any
>>>>> other alternate fuel within the city limits.
>>>> Check again. Most major cities have a purveyor of industrial gases.
>>>> It's just not listed as an automotive filling station.
>>> You don't live here so you don't know, so stop shooting off your
>>> mouth.
>> http://www.afdc.energy.gov/afdc/locator/stations/
>> 42 stations within 10 miles of downtown SF, sf! Two CNG in the city
>> limits.
>> And these are not sellers of industrial gases, they are fueling stations
>> for vehicles.
> Thanks for the web site. Why would I go to a gas station 10 miles
> away? SF is only 9 miles across. I checked a radius of 5 miles which
> covers SF for me and there is no hydrogen station within that
> parameter. 10 didn't turn up anything either. The biodiesel stations
> were news to me, but they are far enough away that I'd never consider
> using them and I don't approve of biodiesel anyway.
The point is that now, today, with practically _no_ hydrogen fueled
vehicles on the road, there are nonetheless automotive fueling stations
that provide hydrogen within a reasonable distance.