Geez! ...cheese! ...puh-leeze!!
On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 09:37:00 -0600, gloria.p wrote:
> notbob wrote:
>> I jes got all the stuff fer spanakopita, which you were all so
>> helpfull with. Thank you. I expected a few high prices, this being
>> the boonies, but $10 LB FOR FETA!!! Holy freaking chryst! Last time
>> I bought feta it was maybe $2 fer 8oz. It was the "cheap cheese" that
>> was good in salads.
>> I started looking at other cheeses. $20 lb for gruyere!!?? I used to
>> pay less for compte. In fact, a pretty good blue is only $16lb, but
>> it's domestic. WTF!? We now paying some sorta heavy import duty on
>> cheese?
>> nb
> It is silly when you see what milk is selling for--less than $2/gallon.
> I do think demand is up for specialty cheeses which may have an inpact.
> gloria p
if that's the retail price, you have to bear in mind that in a lot of
groceries it's a 'loss leader' item designed to get you into the store.
your pal,