Inspiration please? Main dish
"Omelet" wrote
> "cshenk" wrote:
>> I've been in a bit of a cooking rut and would like some new ideas.
>> Plenty to work with obviously. Just looking for new ideas!
> That is a LOT of food!
Hehe spare chest freezer makes it easy to do that. I sent the hubby and
kidlet to go freezer diving and that is what they pulled out this time. You
may note the amounts were not huge. 1/2 lb generally to feed 3.
> My moods change daily so so do my ideas. ;-)
Same here.
> I'd do the fish first as it tends to freezer burn faster.
> Dillweed and lemon, probably baked.
Oddly, never been a dillweed and lemon fan on fish. Just odd I guess!
The salmon is slowly turning into lox (with another 5 lbs in the freezer not
touched). I'm peeking at cajun recipes. The stove is slowly making duckfat
potatoes with lavander (not new to us but tastey home comfort).