Frozen anchovies? Are they safe?
On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 11:11:08 -0700, "Kent" > wrote:
>Have any tried frozen anchovies? Are they any kind of a worry regarding food
>borne infection. I have a package staring at me from the freezer from Ranch
>99. It comes from somewhere in the Orient. It looks unsalted, though there
>isn't anyway to know. They aren't oil packed, and they aren't dry salted? At
>Ranch 99 they are very well priced. A 12 oz package of frozen anchovies only
>costs a couple of bucks.
There is no such fish as an "anchovy" just like there is no such fish
as a "sardine"... could be any small fish prepared in many ways,
including cured in oil, cured in salt, cured in salt and dried...
typically the larger ones are dried and need to be soaked in several
changes of water to remove the excess salt.