Frozen anchovies? Are they safe?
"Kent" > wrote in message
> Have any tried frozen anchovies? Are they any kind of a worry regarding
> food borne infection. I have a package staring at me from the freezer from
> Ranch 99. It comes from somewhere in the Orient. It looks unsalted, though
> there isn't anyway to know. They aren't oil packed, and they aren't dry
> salted? At Ranch 99 they are very well priced. A 12 oz package of frozen
> anchovies only costs a couple of bucks.
> Kent
The anchovies frozen, about 2.5" in length, and are from a brand called "Sun
Enterprises" from a Vietnamese Corporation, "The Country Flavor
Corporation" in El Monte, CA. The origin of the anchovy is Vietnam. I think
the whole anchovy is there, skin and all. Obviously, I haven't opened the
package yet.