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Manda Ruby Manda Ruby is offline
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Posts: 510
Default Frozen anchovies? Are they safe?

On Jun 27, 1:07*pm, notbob > wrote:
> On 2010-06-27, Kent > wrote:
> > Have any tried frozen anchovies? Are they any kind of a worry regarding food
> > borne infection. I have a package staring at me from the freezer from Ranch
> > 99. It comes from somewhere in the Orient. It looks unsalted, though there
> > isn't anyway to know. They aren't oil packed, and they aren't dry salted? At
> > Ranch 99 they are very well priced. A 12 oz package of frozen anchovies only
> > costs a couple of bucks.

> Give it a go. *
> I used to buy fresh frozen packs of ....what?.... grunion?
> ...anchovies? *I forget. *They were skinny whole fish, about 4-5
> inches long. *I'd jes let thaw, and toss 'em in a skillet full of
> peanut oil. *When almost finished frying, toss in a few dashes of soy
> and lemon pepper and eat whole. *Never suffered any ill effects.
> OTOH, I once had a very severe reaction to something. *I ate two
> different meals within 18 hrs. *One was two live dungeness crabs I got
> from Ranch99 and boiled myself (40 mins at full rolling boil) and the
> other a great dinner at a new Korean restaurant I'd never tried. *All
> I know is I became sick as a dog for a full week, with a severe full
> body rash and my guts changing from a digestive tract to an aquaduct.
> Never did figure out which was the culprit and never tried either
> again to find out! *
> nb

You cooked them w/o cleaning the guts? Ewwwwww