An Idea For An Experiment
If I took a block of cream cheese and inoculated it
on the outside with the finely divided rind of a Brie
or a Neufchatel, incubated it in my refrigerator with
the temperature turned up, could I ferment it into
something worth making? Some cheeses have natamcyin
for mold inhibition, so I'll have to check for that.
This might be a good reason to buy a microplane,
so I can shave off little particles from the rind
of a fermented soft cheese.
Instead of a whole cheese-making setup, if I can
just buy a block of cream cheese, unwrap it, roll
it around in some rind shavings, and turn it into
something good, that seems like an experiment worth
If I ever give you a beer and it seems a little bit
too warm, you should ask whether I'm doing any
cheese experiments.
I'm wondering whether this could be dangerous.
Cream cheese is very fatty, and that might restrict
infiltration of oxygen, creating the possibility of
anaerobic bacterial growth and botulism.