George Foreman grill question
On Jun 27, 1:26*pm, sf > wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 12:42:36 -0400, "cshenk" > wrote:
> > I get ****ed when folks tailgate bikes. *Tailgating is
> > the style here but as dangerous as it is, it's far worse when someone is on
> > a bike and tailgating them in a 'monster truck' or 'SUV'.
> What a horrible habit. *Honking at someone stopped at a red light is
> another regional habit that sets my teeth on edge.
Well, sometimes it's warranted, like when the right turn arrow just
turned green, and the driver of the first car in the right turn lane
waiting to turn right is too busy yammering on their cell phone to
have noticed!
John Kuthe...