Garlic scapes
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
>I have a vague recollection of seeing something about scapes here
>recently. Sorry to have missed it if there was a thread.
>I bought a bunch of scapes at the farmers market this morning and am not
>sure how to best use them. How much do I use? The bulby part at the
>top of the scape? Just the green part?
You can use any part that isn't woody and that isn't an inedible
skin analogous to what you'd peel off of a head of dried garlic.
I use all usable parts of garlic plants of any maturity in more
or less in the same way I'd use dried garlic -- i.e. it's
okay to sautee them, but not too much unless you truly want that
burnt-garlic effect; and it works to add them raw to a liquid
if it is going to simmer for awhile.
Roughly speaking if it's green garlic or scapes I will use about
four times as much as I would dried garlic, for the same effect.
Sometimes more. For something like a broth in which you're
steaming clams or mussels, you can just put a ton of the stuff
in there. But for something like a spaghetti sauce a factor
of four is a good place to start.
Hope this helps.