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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default TODAY is Barb Schaller's Birthday

In article >,
Cindy Fuller > wrote:
> Happy belated birthday, Barb! I was in El Lay at a meeting on the big
> day and couldn't send wishes then. May there be many more blue ribbons
> in your future, even if some of them are for pickled boiled dirt chunks.
> Cindy

Thanks. In a weak moment I told my favorite farmers market vendor that
I'd make some PBDC for him if he gives me the beets for them. He asked
if I would; he doesn't have the time or knowledge for preserving them
though I told him he can make some and stick them in the fridge without
processing and they'll keep forever.

What was I thinking? A couple big weeks ahead. De raspberries, de
raspberries, Mr. Roark ‹ just had a call from Sister Julie. De kids, de
kids ‹ they'll all be here by Friday. De reunion, de reunion ‹ about 50
of us together on Saturday at Niece Nurse Sandra's place. De beans, de
beans. Graduation Beans on deck for the reunion and I melted my salsa
maker thing that does a great job chopping the peppers and onions for de
beans. If I'm lucky, the replacement will be here by Wednesday or
Thursday. Fingers and toes crossed.
Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
On June 25, celebrating 65 years of joy and wonder. I got the joy
while everyone else wondered.
Shop early and shop often. Good gin and cheap chocolate preferred.
Or cash. :-)