Carol wrote:
>>>> Is this your "asian vegetable with stems like broccoli"?
>>>> (choy sum)
>>>> or maybe this?
>>>> (gai lan)
>>> First one though it seems a version of second and I get both commonly.
>> They're quite similar, but I prefer the one with little flowers on it.
>> Just a texture thing; they taste just about the same.
> Yeah and the bewildering different names from so many asian cultures,
> makes them fairly nameless to me. I just get'em and eat'em without
> worrying about what this particular asian store wants to call them.
> In Japan, we got one like the Choy Sum as well as one called 'Kang Koon'
> or 'Kangkong' (depends on area). Asian hollow stem spinach. Leaves like
> Choy Sum but on thin hollow spindle stalks. Tastes like spinach.
I've only seen that called water spinach; I'd never seen the other names
until I just googled. Apparently it's also called "ong choy." It's not my
favorite, but I can handle it if it showed up in a CSA box.