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J. Clarke J. Clarke is offline
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Default Memories of Woolworths lunch counter.

On 6/28/2010 9:18 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Mon 28 Jun 2010 03:13:47p, J. Clarke told us...
>> On 6/22/2010 8:18 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>> On Tue 22 Jun 2010 03:52:45p, Becca told us...
>>>> On 6/22/2010 11:10 AM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>>>> When I was young I ate at Woolworths a couple of times, but my
>>>>>> older brother ordered for me. Woolworths disappeared by the
>>>>>> time I was old enough to remember anything. We enjoyed
>>>>>> eating at drugstores. My brother would order my food and some
>>>>>> kind of "phosphate" to drink. I could see her making it above
>>>>>> the counter.
>>>>>> Again, I was too young to remember.
>>>>> There was a small drugstore with a very small sofa fountain
>>>>> near where I lived when I was 4-5 years old. I would sometimes
>>>>> get to go with the "older kids" (7-9 years old) and order
>>>>> something. I almost always ordered a "cherry false face",
>>>>> thinking that was what a phosphate was.
>>>> Thanks for the laugh, Wayne. Now I will always remember "cherry
>>>> false face". I believe that is what I had also. Life was much
>>>> simpler back then. Oh gosh, now I'm sounding old. lol
>>>> Becca
>>> I am old, and it was much simpler back then. I would not want to
>>> be a kid today.

>> Yeah.
>> You're reminding me of visits to the dentist (my GOD has dentistry
>> advanced since then, and all in good ways) when I was a kid. He
>> had his office behind an independent drug store and he always gave
>> me a certificate for an ice cream cone when he was done torturing
>> me.

> Well, dentistry, that's a different issue. :-) I was fortunate to
> have a dentist who bordered on genius when it came to local
> anesthesia. My primary molars never loosened enough to be pulled at
> home, so was taken to an oral surgeon who used laughing gas. His
> office was in a large downtown building which housed a pharmacy on
> the ground floor with a terrific soda fountain. I always ended up
> with a malt afterwards.

Finally I've got a dentist with that kind of genius. No malts but she'd
gorgeous and Russian and so is her technician and when they're working
they revert to their native language and it's kind of like being James
Bond for a day.

>> But later, in high school, the other pharmacy got my custom and
>> that of most of the other guys in the school. Debbie O'Neill, the
>> prettiest girl in the school, was the soda jerk there, and you
>> could get anything you wanted, except for Debbie, but we all kept
>> buying and trying.

> It never hurts to try. :-)

You know, I think you just answered a question I've been meaning to ask.
There was a "Wayne Boatright" in that same class--since you don't
mention a fond memory of Debbie O'Neill I take it you are not he.