Angela found some cans of hominy at the store a few weeks ago and asked to
try it. She doesn't remember that I used to try to serve it to her.
Neither she nor my husband like the stuff. I bought both the white and the
yellow and they both find it disgusting. I just love the stuff!
I tried a recipe that my mom sent me when we lived in CA. It had hominy,
bacon, cheese and I think milk in it. Loved it! But they wouldn't eat it.
So I never made it again.
Oddly, I had trouble finding hominy and black eyed peas when we lived in CA.
Not too many places carried them. And I think I had to buy the black eyed
peas frozen.
No problems here. These are the store brand. And they are yummy! Yeah, I
know... Not the best thing for a diabetic to eat, but I haven't had them in
years! And I probably won't have them again for years.