tiny URL
Mark Shaw > wrote in news:bo9fsf$5mo$1
> Bob Pastorio > wrote:
>> zxcvbob wrote:
>> > How long do tinyurl links work?
>> Each is unique and a specific link, so I assume it's forever, at
>> in computer years. On their home page, they imply that by talking
>> about redirecting other pages with tiny URL's.
> Tinyurl.com, makeashorterlink.com and etc. may, of course, go
> away without warning at any time in the future. So it's wise
> to include the long version along with the shortened one in any
> text that's expected to live into eternity in archives -- such
> as usenet posts.
> The contemporary reader can click on the short link, and if it
> ever becomes useless, the cyberarcheologist will still have the
> long one to use.
If the web page still exists, that is :-)
Peter Lucas
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men
stand ready to do violence on their behalf.