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Dale Williams
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Default Good Wines, Cheap!

In article >,
(D T) writes:

>Any one can spend $50 and get an exceptional wine - usually

Hmm, I've had quite a few unexceptional $50 ones!

- but the
>thrill is finding an equivalent bottle at a lesser price.


>If I have $20 on Friday afternoon to buy a bottle of wine in Phoenix,
>Arizona for dinner that night, it will not be Italian (could be crappy),
>it will not be French (too few available here), unlikely to be
>Californian (might be good, might not be),
>but will probably be Australian. For $20 the wine might even be great!

Well, that goes into stylistic choices. I buy a load of $20 & under wines, and
few are Aussie. The fat lush fruit-forward reds we get here are not my personal
favorite style. I like some (Kaesler Stonehorse GSM), but not something I drink

I am a believer in the theory that 85% of wine produced ANYWHERE is crap - and
2/3s of remainder is not to my tastes. The fun (to me) is finding the values in
the remaining 5% of wines. And those could be from almost any country:
Italy- Felsina CC, Caparzo Rosso
France- Lafarge Bourgogne, Coufran, Lanessan, Clair St Aubin, Baumard
Savenierres, Frick Gew.
CA- Ridge 3 Valleys, Mason or St Supery SBs


Dale Williams
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