I have been a fan of Susan Spicer since she first got started in the
80's in New Orleans. By the time she opened her own place she had no
peer as far as I'm concernd.
exerpt from the story....
Susan Spicer did not intend to be the face of the restaurant rebellion
against BP over its role in the Gulf oil spill. But that’s what can
happen when you file a lawsuit.
Ms. Spicer, long a respected New Orleans chef, spent most of Monday
huddled with her lawyers, trying to map out a strategy after word got
out that she was suing BP and several other companies on behalf of
Gulf restaurant owners and seafood suppliers.
“I just hope that my motivations will not be misinterpreted,” she said
from her restaurant Bayona in her first interview since the suit was
filed Friday. “It’s more about solidarity in this region than about
getting my piece of the pie. I can’t say I expect to see a dollar out
of this thing. I am just angry.”
Ms. Spicer’s attorney, Serena Pollack, filed the suit in New Orleans
federal court late Friday asking that the court grant class-action
status for restaurants and seafood sellers who have suffered in the
wake of the April 20 drilling rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico.
The lawyers are arguing that Ms. Spicer and other chefs in Louisiana
and the region have built a reputation and a business using fresh,
local seafood that is specific to the Gulf of Mexico. Since the oil
rig accident, that seafood has either become unavailable or
significantly more expensive.