Hurricane Food
Serene Vannoy wrote:
> I have had a total sea change in my thinking on that since reading
> "Apocalypse Chow". Now, my emergency kit, rather than being full of
> canned ravioli and spam, has artichoke hearts, good olives,
> quick-cooking pasta (couscous and pastina), good crackers and canned
> hummus, my favorite three-bean salad, a small butane stove, and several
> kinds of other foofy foods -- stuff we actually like eating, and will be
> a treat for us. Including quick-cooking foods, so we don't have to
> subsist on cold foods in the event of an extended power outage. It's one
> of those concepts I should have thought of before, but didn't.
How often do you eat up the old stock and resupply it? I'm finding
stuff in my basement pantry that's 5-10 years old. I won't eat it or
serve it because of quality/safety issues and I have to sneak it into
the trash because Dear Husband would have a coronary to see "perfectly
good food" thrown out. (It's hard to take thrift out of the New
gloria p