Thread: Hurricane Food
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Cheryl[_3_] Cheryl[_3_] is offline
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Default Hurricane Food

"Janet Wilder" > wrote in message
> Sitting here waiting for updates on tropical storm Alex. He may or may not
> become a hurricane. He may or may not hit us directly. The patterns and
> the forecasts keep changing. House is ready and car is packed. We stay or
> go depending upon power situation.
> I have canned tuna, a manual can opener, canned soup, hard boiled eggs and
> drinking water. We'll have to use the gas grill to cook as the house is
> all electric.
> I have bags of ice in the freezer chest and the side-by-side and some
> frozen chiller thingies in the fridge. Will be able to get to some steaks
> in a jiffy without letting too much cold out of the freezer.
> Any thoughts on what other food is good for hurricanes?

Sandwich making stuff, veggies you can eat raw, fill up a tub with water
(not for eating), peanut butter, crackers, fruit. That's all I can think of
off the top of my head.

Stay safe!!! I hope Alex stays clear of you.
