On Thu, 01 Jul 2010 12:39:31 -0400, Nancy Young wrote:
> Serene Vannoy wrote:
>> On 07/01/2010 08:26 AM, ChattyCathy wrote:
>>> http://www.recfoodcooking.com
>>> I'm going to blame one of Andy's posts for this one...
>>> Note to Squeaks: It's about 8.26am (according to my calculations) on
>>> the Left Coast - so jump to it, girl!
>> For me, it's almost always. Once in a while, I don't tear up, but
>> usually I do.
> Sometimes my eyes don't tear up and I attribute it to the onion not
> being especially fresh. Also, being under-height, I find it's better if
> I cut onions on the table rather than the counter where they're
> practically in my face.
I used to find older yellow onions to be particularly "teary". However,
since I've worn (soft) contact lenses (hence one of the choices in the
survey) I've found that peeling/chopping onions (any onions) don't make me
"teary" at all.
Chatty Cathy