On 7/1/2010 8:19 AM, Goomba wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
>> On 7/1/2010 2:41 AM, Jean B. wrote:
>>> Oh, ps... As far as appliances go, the measurements appear to be
>>> approximate. Verify them to the tiniest fraction of an inch. (You can
>>> generally find this information online if you dig into the files.) For
>>> example, if you are told you have 30 inches for the width of the oven,
>>> that is actually not 30 inches--and the 30-inch oven offerings are not
>>> exactly 30 inches either.
>> Thanks for the tips!
> That was the only area where I was downright nervous! The designer laid
> the plans out for the stove and it sits in the space exactly with
> absolutely no extra play room. Then the granite cuts had to be exact yet
> it all fits! I held my breath though until sure.
> Pic right after placement-
> http://i47.tinypic.com/qoy8w4.jpg
> I could have purchased a larger fridge as the designer plotted for, but
> I like a little space around it for air circulation, even though the new
> refrigerators take all that into consideration. It wasn't as nerve
> wracking as the stove since I had a few inches on each side to play with
> but I did have to be cautious of depth and height still.
That's a beautiful range. Just touching the gas knobs and opening the
oven door must be a pleasure... it's way too sexy for my kitchen!