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Ian Hoare
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Default RESULTS: cold weather test

Salut/Hi Eric Reichenbach,

le/on Tue, 17 Feb 2004 09:49:08 -0500 (EST), tu disais/you said:-

>For those that remember reading about my little experiment two weeks
>ago, here are the (non-scientific) results.
>I ended up leaving the bottles in the gararge for 7 days. The low temps
>varied from +5 degrees F to +23 degrees F. The highs, at most, were +30
>degrees F. The B.Nouveau, which was in a styrofoam shipper, ended up
>throwing a lot of sediment!!!! I decanted it to be certain that is
>wasn't just ice particles. It was in fact sediment.

What did the wine taste like?

>Possible reasoning for the difference in results. My first thought was
>the alcohol content. The BN is 13% while the Zin was 14.5%. How much
>difference would 1.5% make in this case?

None, as far as sedimenting is concerned.

> Perhaps other components such as tannin and acidity, which are more in a zin than the BN.

You sure about the acidity in a Zin being higher than in a Beaujolai
Nouveau? I'd have guessed the Beaujolais had more. Anyway, my guess is that
the sediment may well be tartaric acid. Completely harmless.

>Well, this was interesting. I hope that others find it helpful.

Yes indeed. Thanks for coming back.

All the Best
Ian Hoare
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